Back & Leg Pain

“I wish I’d found you sooner!”

We know what it’s like! Low back pain is far too common. Over 79% of New Zealanders have experienced or will experience back pain at some point iin their lives.

From muscle spasms, a bulging disc, lifting injuries, falls, sports, pinched nerves or even prolonged sitting or standing. It may range from stiffness getting out of bed to a crippling sharp pain with associated muscle spasms. New Zealanders will experience this at least once in their lives. It’s distracting, painful, frustrating and can stop you doing just about everything!

Call 09 523 5663.

Our purpose… to find the problem quickly then re-balance and restore function of the spine! The goal is to restore spine and nervous system function by relieving nerve pressure, muscle imbalance and postural distortion. Often X-Ray’s are used to remove any guess work.

The benefits of chiropractic over medication are notable. In most situations, you can continue on with life the way you want while care is given.

You will be in the hands of experienced, caring Chiropractors. Nothing gives us more pleasure than when we can help avoid surgery or freeing clients from medication. We recognise what you already know…. That no-one enjoys the prospect of surgery or taking unnecessary medication.

Sciatica and Leg Pain

The term “sciatica” refers to an irritation of the sciatic nerve, which begins at the base of your spine. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body and is roughly the diameter of a finger. It branches from the spinal nerves in the lower lumbar and sacral regions. It then joins together to form one very large nerve that extends all the way down the back of your leg to your big toe. Not all leg pain is sciatica, but most sciatica involves leg pain.

Sciatica sufferers often complain of severe, often unbearable pain along the path of the nerve. Symptoms may be noticed down the back of the thigh, buttocks, calves and possible the lower leg, ankle and toes. You may also be getting numbness, tingling, pins-and-needles and/or burning into one or both legs, ironically, the painful leg may also feel numb.

Sleeping, sitting, walking, bending, turning or standing maybe difficult or even impossible. It is quite difficult to find any type of comfortable position to relieve the pain.

The variety of techniques used to care for sciatica at Dynamic Family Chiropractic has been proven, over the last 10 years to be incredibly effective. For decades, chiropractors and patients have observed benefits in chiropractic spinal adjustments to relieve the pressure being placed on the sciatic nerve. Many sufferers of sciatica have experienced dramatic relief of their pain after Chiropractic care.

  • Johnson, E.W. Sciatic nerve palsey following delivery. Postgrad Med 1961, 30(5)
  • 2. Livingston, M. Spinal Manipulation: A 1 year follow up study. The Canadian Family Physician, July 1969: 35-39.
  • Mathews, J.A. et al. Back Pain and Sciatica British Journal of Rheumatology, 1987 26:416-423
    Osterbauer, PJ &Fuhr, A.W. Treatment of chronic sciatica by mechanical force, manually assisted, short lever adjusting. Proceedings of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research Conference on Research & Education.1992. Palm Springs.
  • Cox J.M. & Shreiner, S. Chiropractic manipulation in low back pain & Sciatica:Statistical Data on the diagnosis, treatment & response of 576 cases. JMPT. 1982 7:1-11

Get Help Now

If you need urgent assistance for either chronic or acute problems, please contact us immediately.

Call 09 523 5663.

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Dynamic Chiropractic Remuera

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649 Remuera Rd
Remuera 1050
P: +64 9 5235663 

Opening Hours

8am - 7pm
7am - 6pm
7am - 6:30pm
9am - 7pm
7am - 1pm
8am - 12noon